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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Only Two Weeks left of Christmas Break!!!

Aloha Haumana,

Its been quite a while since we've all been in school. This is just a friendly reminder to all of you to invest at least two hours a day in studying your project work and other subjects such as math. Remember that Hakipu'u Learning Center really places the responsibility on every student to be in charge of how you learn. You directly impact whether or not you will be successful or not.

I can help you, along with your parents and guardians, and the rest of our HLC 'Ohana.

Don't forget LLE's, logging hours, journaling, organizing binders and so forth. You need to set yourself up for success!

You each can do this and have great potential.

To end my epistle, I would like to leave this story with each of you.

Once there was a fisherman who caught a large fish. Bringing out his ruler, the man measured his catch: twenty inches.
The man threw the fish back. Soon after, his rod wiggled again. This fish measured only five inches and the fisherman dropped it into his bucket. And so it went. The fisherman kept every fish under twelve inches and threw back every fish of greater size. Finally, a nearby fisherman could no longer hide his disbelief. "You keep throwing back the fish larger than twelve inches," he said. "Why the heck are you doing that?" "It's real simple," the man answered. "My wife only has a twelve-inch frying pan."

follow this link to hear more explanation

Kumu Feki

Monday, December 22, 2008


Directions: All HLC students must complete 10 Lifelong Learning Experiences (LLE) per year. Each is worth a maximum of .1 credit. In order to receive credit for a LLE you must address each item and follow the guidelines listed below when writing about your experience(s). Your paper must be typed in no larger than 12 point font size, double spaced, and must be spell-checked.

Item 1. Describe what you did for your LLE
 What did you do?
 Where did it take place?
 Who was involved?
 Why did you participate?

Item 2. Multiple Intelligences
 Name the Multiple Intelligences you engaged in for this LLE
 Describe how you used the Multiple Intelligence
 Did you enjoy learning in this way? Tell why or why not?

Item 3. Assessment
 What was the most important thing you learned by participating in this experience?
 What was the best part of the experience?
 Did this experience happen the way you expected?
 What was the most challenging part of this experience/ How did you work through or overcome this challenge?

Item 4. Lifelong Learning
 How did this experience help you to understand yourself better?
 How did this experience help you to understand something or someone differently?
 How will this experience change the way you do things?
 How did this experience affect or help your community, the environment, or the world around you?

Item 5. Conclusion
 Would you participate in this activity again? Explain why or why not.
 Would you recommend this activity to others? Explain why or why not.

Item 6. Documentation
 Bring any pictures, brochures, agendas, handouts, and/or certificates related to this activity.

Item 7. Formatting
 Your paper will have at least 5 paragraphs. It must be typed using proper sentences and grammar.
 Paragraph 1
o Follow Item 1.
 Paragraph 2
o Follow Item 2.
 Paragraph 3
o Follow Item 3.
 Paragraph 4
o Follow Item 4.
 Paragraph 5
o Follow Item 5.


Aloha Kakou,

I hope the holidays are a great celebration time for all of you. Please do not forget to keep your learning OPTIONS open. The OPTIONS we have as students of Hakipu'u Learning Center are the following:

1. Work a few minutes to an hour or more a day on project work.
2. Work a few minutes to an hour on online math work.
3. Be creative with your tasks to make your project successful.
4. Do a reading project (email kumu feki for more info if needed)
5. Do an LLE (Life long learning paper)
6. Go to the library everyday.
7. Email fellow students if you have questions.
8. Email kumu feki ( when you need assistance.

There are many options, some of which are not listed here, that you can employ.

Kumu Feki

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Important Memo to Parents Regarding HLC Activities on Dec. 19th 2008

Aloha Parents,

This memo is in regards to the letter sent home with students on December 9, 2008 stating that the last day of school would be at the Ko’olau Theaters in Kaneohe. Due to a lack of permission forms and monies being turned in on time, we will be unable to reserve the theaters. We do not have a sufficient number of participants to support the early morning viewing.

Instead, students who have turned in permission forms, money, or both will be treated to a movie at Hakipu’u Learning Center on Friday, December 19th. The money students turn in will be put towards renting the movie and providing food such as pizza, snacks and drinks.

Those students, who did not turn in a permission form or money by the December 12th deadline, are still required to report to school on December 19th. They will do project work until all students are released at 11:30 am.

As a reminder school attendance is mandatory; all students are required to be present on Thursday, December 18th and Friday December 19th. There is a concern that students are planning on staying home because they don’t want to participate in the clean-up or the planned activity for Friday. Parents are asked to be supportive of the school in having students participate in the activities that are planned. Absences need to be validated by a phone call or note from a parent or guardian, otherwise the student will be considered as an unexcused absence.

If there are any questions or concerns please contact Kelly Vuikadavu at 235-9155 or 235-9161.

Mahalo Nui Loa!

~Administrative Team~

Friday, December 12, 2008


All Students in Hale o Na Koa:

Please take this survey:

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Rock Movers

Mahalo to our Papa (class) for your work ethic. I learned a lot from building the dam up and making a safer crossing to our lo'i kalo. I heard someone say that what we are doing in our mauka lab is useless and not applicable for us in becoming adults.

I would like to point out that that line of thinking is not only disrespectful and shortsighted, but actually mocking what Hakipu'u Learning Center is all about. The lessons to be learned can only be observed and gained by students who are willing to learn no matter the medium. The responsibility to learn is of both the teacher and student who must both work diligently to process and communicate whatever information is important.

Even if we are putting bells on a piece of stick, this should not be taken lightly as just a menial task, but should be seen as an opportunity to learn obedience to directions, patience to focus on no matter what the task is. Those habits of obedience and patience alone help to make an individual more marketable and likely to receive jobs, promotions and other positive signs of maturity.

Please be diligent in your studies...
Kumu Feki

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Library Visit and Pre/Post Evals


Today was a good experience having Tama and Josh post-eval their projects. Congrats on reaching this stage. They will participate in Ho'ike next week Tuesday.

The majority of our class is making good progress in their projects. Please keep up the good work.

Tomorrow marks the end of Semester 1.

Kumu Feki

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

No Get Jam Up...

Below I have some reflections on what we did today. I advise all of you students to write a journal in your planner everyday as well as log your hours in your planner as well.

We should have ha'aha'a. We should be proud about our work to raise kalo, but we should never brag about it. In Uncle Cal's words, if we brag about our kalo "goin jam us up." And he also said that we should never brag about anything in life otherwise we face the same fate: "going get jam up"

Please prepare to go to the library tomorrow morning to do research. I expect to see your plan to research in order for you to go to the library. Feel free to go to library even after school.


E 'Ulumua Kakou!
Let us find our way forward together!

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