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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Important Memo to Parents Regarding HLC Activities on Dec. 19th 2008

Aloha Parents,

This memo is in regards to the letter sent home with students on December 9, 2008 stating that the last day of school would be at the Ko’olau Theaters in Kaneohe. Due to a lack of permission forms and monies being turned in on time, we will be unable to reserve the theaters. We do not have a sufficient number of participants to support the early morning viewing.

Instead, students who have turned in permission forms, money, or both will be treated to a movie at Hakipu’u Learning Center on Friday, December 19th. The money students turn in will be put towards renting the movie and providing food such as pizza, snacks and drinks.

Those students, who did not turn in a permission form or money by the December 12th deadline, are still required to report to school on December 19th. They will do project work until all students are released at 11:30 am.

As a reminder school attendance is mandatory; all students are required to be present on Thursday, December 18th and Friday December 19th. There is a concern that students are planning on staying home because they don’t want to participate in the clean-up or the planned activity for Friday. Parents are asked to be supportive of the school in having students participate in the activities that are planned. Absences need to be validated by a phone call or note from a parent or guardian, otherwise the student will be considered as an unexcused absence.

If there are any questions or concerns please contact Kelly Vuikadavu at 235-9155 or 235-9161.

Mahalo Nui Loa!

~Administrative Team~


E 'Ulumua Kakou!
Let us find our way forward together!

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