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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Aloha Kakou!


1. Tonight is our Ho'ike for November. It will be from 5pm to 7:30pm with the presentations at 6pm. We have Ka'ainoa and Isaac, Ciara and Kyle presenting tonight in Akoakoa. If you can attend, please come!

2. On Friday is the showing of the Mau documentary at Kamehameha schools auditorium. For more info, please email me.

3. Tomorrow will begin the third rotation of Basic Skills Workshops, please be prepared. The intent of these Friday Basic Skills Workshops is to focus on basic skills that can help you in your project work.

4. Our Imu fundraiser will be on the 26th of November from 4 to 6pm here at our school. For every item it will be $15. Each student is asked to sell two tickets which have been given to them today.


Our usual assignments prevail as we have begun the 4th Block of Project Work:

1. Math
2. Project Work

Also, we will be doing a book project on Aloha Betrayed in the coming days.

Kumu Feki


E 'Ulumua Kakou!
Let us find our way forward together!

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