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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Only Two Weeks left of Christmas Break!!!

Aloha Haumana,

Its been quite a while since we've all been in school. This is just a friendly reminder to all of you to invest at least two hours a day in studying your project work and other subjects such as math. Remember that Hakipu'u Learning Center really places the responsibility on every student to be in charge of how you learn. You directly impact whether or not you will be successful or not.

I can help you, along with your parents and guardians, and the rest of our HLC 'Ohana.

Don't forget LLE's, logging hours, journaling, organizing binders and so forth. You need to set yourself up for success!

You each can do this and have great potential.

To end my epistle, I would like to leave this story with each of you.

Once there was a fisherman who caught a large fish. Bringing out his ruler, the man measured his catch: twenty inches.
The man threw the fish back. Soon after, his rod wiggled again. This fish measured only five inches and the fisherman dropped it into his bucket. And so it went. The fisherman kept every fish under twelve inches and threw back every fish of greater size. Finally, a nearby fisherman could no longer hide his disbelief. "You keep throwing back the fish larger than twelve inches," he said. "Why the heck are you doing that?" "It's real simple," the man answered. "My wife only has a twelve-inch frying pan."

follow this link to hear more explanation

Kumu Feki

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