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Friday, November 28, 2008

Basic Steps of doing Projects


Hope you all had a great Turkey Day. I am truly thankful for my family and friends and the opportunity to advise each of you in your progression to becoming strong members of our society.

The following are basic steps to project work at Hakipu'u Learning Center. Please make comments to further enhance our learning process.

1. Get an idea / Look at Standards, then pick 2 to 3 from different areas that you like

2. Draft Essential Question and Driving Question. *Essential Question is one over-arching question and there are many Driving Questions or sub-questions that help to move the project along. If needed, initial research can be done to formulate correct ideas of the proposed project.

--- Can you add more ideas to finish our process???? Please add them in the comments section.

Kumu Feki

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What I have learned...

Aloha Kakou,
I have been learning so much while being here at HLC. While having 4 post evals, 3 of which for our 'ohana, I have learned the following:

-Each of our students is capable of great work
-Saying " Oh its on the computer," during a pre or post evaluation meeting is not a good thing.
-Not having a complete and accurate time log is lethal.
-We need to have more evidence of work shown and placed in binders.
-Everyone needs to take notes and keep it in their binders.
-Losing project binders is not good.
-Reflections should be done before the post-eval.
-Journaling works as evidence of learning and should be in project binders.
-Students should always come to class, pre/post evals and other mtgs with a pen, a highlighter, a notebook or paper, plans to apply what is learned.
-Just saying "phase 3" for a 2 hour block time does not fly. We need to be more specific.
-We must be aware of the differences between an .odt, .docx, and .doc file types.
-Often we overlook details.
-We always need to look back at our webs and other documents and commitments.
-When doing our credit hours we need to show proof or evidence of learning.
-Project based learning helps students compete against themselves, instead of against each other.
-PBL also gives the student the mindsets of "How can I help?" and "What can I learn?"

These are a few things I learned...What are some things that you have learned? Please share your HLC or PBL thoughts by making a comment.

Kumu Feki

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Items of Interest

Aloha Kakou,

A few items of interest:

  1. There is an 'ohana night coming up tomorrow evening, November 2oth, and all our parents should have received a purple flier with more information.
  2. We also have the monies for our Thanksgiving imu fundraising tickets due this Friday.
  3. Next week Thursday and Friday are holidays in observance of Thanksgiving. Please remember this to plan accordingly to accomplish work for your projects, math and other assignments.
We are striving to do better in completing our projects. We should be finishing our projects this week and moving forward in our project progression.

If any of you would like a copy of the standards email me.

Kumu Feki

Friday, November 14, 2008

A Wonderful Day!

We learned a lot today in our Basic Skills Workshops. I hope all you students take some time to share with your parents and guardians what you learned.

We talked a lot in our reading time about the Ali'i system and the Feudal system. We made a Venn diagram and made comparisons between the two systems. We never quite made a comparison of the similarities, but rather just the differences. We shall cover that later, perhaps on Tuesday.

We also learned about konohiki, ali'i 'ai moku, 'auhau and kia'i. We also learned about interdependence and how it relates to dependence and independence.

Each of you individually knows what to work on this weekend for homework.

With our two new class members, Kaili and Shae Ann we will have a new seating arrangement.

Aloha and have a safe weekend,
Kumu Feki

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Learning Standards

Aloha Parents and Students,

I recently requested a copy of our learning standards from Aunty Susan. She emailed me a copy and I use it to become continually aware of the requirements our students need to meet to graduate.

If you would like a copy of this draft, please email me at, and I will send it to you.

I have found it helpful in my approach to prepare our students for success as they approach these learning standards. I hope it is useful to all of you.

Kumu Feki

A great Makahiki festival...

Today was historic as we hosted Halau Ku Mana and Halau Lokahi in our Makahiki games at Kualoa-Hakipu'u.

Great job to all our haumana! Good job Kyle for coming in second place for 13-and-under kane in the run around the pond. I also recall seeing Mahina and Josh running from our class.

Please continue to invest time into your projects and other assignments!

Expand your Conscience!
Kumu Feki

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Makahiki Tomorrow!

- Please come prepared tomorrow to participate in our makahiki games at Kualoa. As I mentioned earlier today, we will leave right after Kupo'ai tomorrow morning.

Mahalo to those who worked hard in lab today in Waiahole and down at Kualoa (which was everyone). I notice a great improvement in work ethic and hope that we can continue to differentiate the times to work and the times to play!

Kumu Feki

Friday, November 7, 2008

UH Open House

Join Us for the Manoa Experience

High school students and their parents are invited to a campus-wide open house at the University of Hawai`i at Manoa. At the Manoa Experience you will:

* Meet with faculty and learn about academic and research activities taking place in the colleges & schools
* Take a student-led campus tour
* Tour a residence hall
* Attend admission and financial aid information sessions
* Visit the student services and activities fair


Saturday, November 15, 2008
8:00 a.m.–2:30 p.m.

Stan Sheriff Center
1337 Lower Campus Road
University of Hawai`i at Manoa
Honolulu, HI
For More Information and to Register:

We hope to see you there!

Chancellor's Office · University of Hawai`i at Manoa · 2500 Campus Road · Honolulu, HI 96822

This email is sent on behalf of Chancellor Virginia Hinshaw.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Aloha Kakou!


1. Tonight is our Ho'ike for November. It will be from 5pm to 7:30pm with the presentations at 6pm. We have Ka'ainoa and Isaac, Ciara and Kyle presenting tonight in Akoakoa. If you can attend, please come!

2. On Friday is the showing of the Mau documentary at Kamehameha schools auditorium. For more info, please email me.

3. Tomorrow will begin the third rotation of Basic Skills Workshops, please be prepared. The intent of these Friday Basic Skills Workshops is to focus on basic skills that can help you in your project work.

4. Our Imu fundraiser will be on the 26th of November from 4 to 6pm here at our school. For every item it will be $15. Each student is asked to sell two tickets which have been given to them today.


Our usual assignments prevail as we have begun the 4th Block of Project Work:

1. Math
2. Project Work

Also, we will be doing a book project on Aloha Betrayed in the coming days.

Kumu Feki

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Aloha Kakou!

Please continue to work on your projects and develop your ideas.

If you have any questions, please email me!

Kumu Feki

Monday, November 3, 2008


Please do not forget to work on your projects this weekend and other assignments such as math. Our 'ohana has mauka lab on Wednesday so please don't forget your necessary items.

There is no school today and tomorrow and I encourage each of you haumana to follow what your parents do in terms of voting and carrying out civil responsibilities. Soon, each of you will be eligible to vote in elections.

Malama Pono,
Kumu Feki


E 'Ulumua Kakou!
Let us find our way forward together!

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